Student Solution


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Renaissance Michelangelo

Renaissance Michelangelo

Q How is Humanism demonstrated through the works of the Renaissance painters and on what basis is Michelangelo’s work considered ‘Humanist’? How do other creative endeavors of the Renaissance serve as examples of this new philosophical view?

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The philosophers, which were heard by Michelangelo at Lorenzo de Medici’s table, were known as “Humanists”, the reason being they made a hero out of Man. In that era, the artists use to put aside the abstruse deliberations of the Middle Ages regarding the Almighty or God and rather they focused on Man. In addition to this, the artists further focused on the achievements of man and on his place in the deific plan of the ether. The main paradigm of Michelangelo’s painting is they focus on the human perception thus “humanism” is their dogma(Parker & Buonarroti, 2010).